Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Reflection not that this is the last blog I may continue...

The Reflection

The blog assignment is my favorite assignment perhaps because I am very comfortable expressing myself through written word. I believe that it is a time honored tried and true experience through college to have to express yourself in choosing the proper words, when you strip out the classroom experience and personal interaction you must become a strong writer to convey your emotion adequately. It was difficult becoming inspired everyday and I found myself posting as a chore some days. Other days I was so inspired from the class materials that I could not shut up! I am a talker either way. Online format classes could take the casual blog and implement it as a tool for students to casually document the process of mastering our fields.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Chapter Five of Distance Education: A systems view

So...I took a mental vacation! Ahh I knew it was wrong to do but I have been personally overwhelmed and mentally stumped!

Chapter 5 Course Design and Development.
This chapter talks about instructional systems design. How to acheive proper development and approachs on how to develop and implement a team of developers. Planning is more complex than an average person would realize and often takes a team of developers each with a specific focus and talent. They outline differant types of teams and development for each differant type of course and part of a course. I was surprised at how many differant fields go into Distance Education design. It goes over technological programs much like we discussed in our 1st assignment paper.

I really enjoyed the appendix at the end of the chapter it helped me to get a working idea of what all can be planned for in this realm.

Sorry this post is short it feels like dejavu....Have I written this before?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Distance Education Masters Degree

Online classes are tough enough for an undergrad student but as a Master's Student it is very busy with readings and assignments. I have been constantly putting my nose into a book or assembling the first essay assignment. I used every reference I had to compile my research and yet I believe that my first assignment may have fallen a bit flat. I am waiting in anticipation of my grade I thought I would have it by now but I am trying not to be a worry wort about it and stay positive. Thats all for now I must read all the module 3 readings...or at least what is left of them.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


One of my fellow students posted this.

"This term has carried over from last semester and it is a word that just doesn't not want to fit into my vocabulary. Can I get an example of what you expect in the section:- Pedagogical view (Pedagogical concepts)" -Lynn

I always like to see a post like this if I too am struggling in the same or similar area. Not that I wish hard times on anyone else I just like the idea that a question was raised that I need to ponder. This always makes me feel more involoved and not as lost because clearly someone else is in the desert with me trying to find the wellspring of knowledge.

So I decided to try and add something of an answer here based on some research. As I am writing my Assignment 1 paper I am very lost and a bit frustrated. Ahhh Life or something like it....

Pedogocial view: is the methods and theory behind the educational process, also reference see page 222-223 in Distance Education: A Systems View.

I think this helped me more than I will know. Back to writing and reading and writing some more.

Second Life

A good friend of mine was discussing his undergrad class at Clemson University and a professor who had made second life part of the face-to-face curriculum and in their off hours they could have study groups or pickup class assignments if they had missed a class.

I thought that this was an interesting idea to start face-to-face and then move into a virtual classroom that allows students to record and keep learning. This is also perhaps a bridge to allow traditional format students see the opportunity available in the virtual world and perhaps they can get the best of both worlds.

The Time and Space Conundrum

So as a full-time employee and a part-time student I am having time issues I am constantly reading and absorbing, or writing and wanting to actually finish something started. The process of learning in the online masters while interesting is as frustrating. You read and you read some more and then you talk it to death and then just when you can’t take it anymore you write a paper! The old tried and true method every college uses only at times I feel isolated like now. I don’t have any outlet for one on one face to face interaction with someone who actually understands the material covered. I guess this is my problem because I decided to get my Masters in a very specific area. I do however wonder if all students in a Masters go through this blue period. Where the excitement wears off and the work overwhelms I am certain most do. I am trying so hard to manage my time, my knowledge, and my life it is a hard line to walk.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Chapter 7 review

Chapter 7 of Effective Teaching with Technology in Higher Education discusses the approaches to the design of technology-based learning. This chapter starts with a quote…
“As you design online courses and programs, you will find that the more you replicate the traditional campus model online-creating what we have called the “bolt on” model-the more your costs will resemble or exceed traditional campus costs. The point is that high (or low) costs are not intrinsic to online learning; they are a result of the design choices that each institution makes.” –Heterick and Twigg (2001).
I love this quote because I rationalize that the general public sees distance education in terms of low cost and quality. Where as in actuality it is a mode that needs to be further exploited to raise the education standards for all people and for learning institutions, the cost are a side thought in development. Statistically it is more expensive because a larger teams of experts are needed in addition to the academic development it then employee IT professionals and may need a larger technical support department in the long run just to allow education to take place over virtual means. I do cringe when I hear people belittle online education although I do empathize with hiring managers that suddenly have to wade through applications and resumes of online school graduates and have to determine the good from the diploma mills.
Another idea discussed are the Neats and Scruffies these are two terms I had never seen in any text book they refer to faculty that develop programs the Neats being very planned and rigid and the Scruffies being more intuitive and open ended. I am not sure how these terms apply to my educational experience but in the following weeks I want to examine this concept further. I am defiantly a Scruffie! Ok well onward march. More to come